Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Different Types of Tea and their Health Benefits(The Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea )

Tea is not just a drink, it’s a feeling. It evinces memories (improves it too), soothes the throat, and satiates the taste buds. It is interesting to see, that this simple drink comes in so many flavours. One of the most popular beverages consumed around the world, different types of tea suit different taste buds.

A versatile drink, it may be consumed as a light brew, with milk, with cookies or biscuits, rusks, other snacks, and may even be enjoyed as a cold drink, or as a hot beverage. 

It is suited to all climates, times of the day, and caters to all taste buds and needs.

True tea, is derived from the parts of the Camellia sinensis plant. There are five types of proper tea, depending on the part of the plant that is used-

True tea, is derived from the parts of the Camellia Sinensis plant

Black Tea- It is the strongest true tea, made from the leaves of the plant after drying them under the sun, and further subjecting them to oxidation. It has a bitter, mostly due to presence of tannins and caffeine, and quite malty, and astringent taste. It is quite beneficial due to its antioxidant properties, its ability to boost heart health, improve stomach health, regulate blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and even reduce the risk of various diseases such as stroke and cancer.

Green Tea-It is a true tea made by boiling the leaves of the tea plant directly. It has a bittersweet, nutty, fruity and oceanic taste, accompanied by a fresh flavour. Most of its properties are attributed to catechin, a type of polyphenol. Systematic research suggests that green tea consumption reduces insulin resistance, increases glycemic control, facilitates fat burning and thus, healthy weight loss, and may help prevent cardiovascular disease. Green tea contains bioactive compounds, which also improve brain function, and may also prevent halitosis.

White Tea- It is the mildest true tea, made with the youngest and freshest leaves of the plant, thus, the least oxidised. White tea has a floral, grassy, fruity, and subtle and delicately sweet taste. It has a refreshingly floral flavour, with a hint of sweetness. Compounds in white tea may prevent osteoporosis, and effectively delay skin ageing. White tea is known to increase alertness, and enhance energy, thus maintaining your metabolism. White tea is also known to improve liver health, and is beneficial for the kidneys.

Oolong Tea- Another variation of a true tea, it is made from the slightly fermented and partially oxidised leaves of the plant, and contains a range of polyphenols. Oolong tea tastes grassy, light, toasty, slightly sweet, and mildly floral. The taste also depends on the degree of oxidation. Oolong tea helps boost your immune system, and promotes health and volume of hair, and suppresses allergic reactions to boost skin health. The antioxidant flavonoids found in oolong tea specifically reduce cellular damage and hasten cell repair, which is why it strengthens the immune system and keeps skin healthy.

Pu-erh Tea- It is a true tea that is fermented, and thus rich in live beneficial bacteria. Its production process allows microbial fermentation, thus aging the leaves. It tastes bitter, sweet, mellow, floral, slightly sour and earthy, and can have watery or tasteless flavor too. It boosts metabolism and prevents and may cure metabolic syndromes.

Apart from these five true teas, many different types of teas are found to be popular. Some of them are-
  • Chamomile tea
  • Hibiscus tea
  • Chaga Tea
  • Matcha Tea
  • Nettle Tea
  • Chrysanthemum Tea
  • Peppermint Tea
  • Spearmint Tea
  • Rose Tea
Yerba mate tea

These teas come from a variety of parts of the plant, ranging from plant roots, to flowers, to teas made from mushroom extracts. Each has its own set of health benefits that accompany, not to mention the great tastes, flavours, and of course, unique and attractive colours. Be it enjoyed at a café amidst a social gathering, or on your balcony in the bliss of solitude (or on your table or desk, working late, as a great relief, stress buster and mind refresher), tea is the go-to drink.

"Every cup of tea is your cup of tea. You just have to pick it and sip it."

Monday, 1 June 2020

How to Boost your Memory Power[Train your brain]

Remember the song ‘Remember me’?

Every day, thousands of things on your mind are singing it for you. Every other minute, there are a gazillion things screaming for your attention, needing to be remembered. Your brain has a finite amount of space for memory allocation, and unless you’re an expert at memory management, it is absolutely normal to feel confused and overloaded.

memory is your power

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  • For instance, try reading this in five seconds, and remembering this in thirty seconds, focusing on the text, ignoring the colours-
  • blue purple yellow orange red black yellow green blue green yellow black

  • You did great! Now, try reading the same thing, ignoring the text, only reading the colors in five seconds.

Yes, that's the kind of confusion that ensues.

Before you start fretting and panicking about an early onset of brain disease and start googling memory lapse causes because you forgot what you came to the store to buy, or forgot your distant grandaunt’s birthday, take a breath. Relax. It’s just a case of good memory bad recall.

A good memory is definitely desirable, that cannot be denied. The key to good memory and retention is leading a healthy and happy life. A healthy lifestyle can change the way you think and have a positive impact on the brain. But a positive lifestyle does not have to be impossibly hard to attain. Helping your brain and the memory lies in your hands and can be as simple as chewing gum (literally!). Here are 8 quirky and unusual ways to boost your memory-

Chew gum while thinking or learning- 

Yes, we are talking about chewing gum, and memory research says that the connection between memory and the gum is not so bizarre after all. Chewing gum increases the brain activity in the hippocampus region, sharpening your memory. The gum improves memory when you increase the activity carried out by your jaw, and the memory boost that it provides can be officially counted as one of the many chewing gum advantages.

Cut down on the sugar-

It may be a bit obvious, but sugar hits your brain like a mallet hits a gong. It shakes it up. Many studies effectively connect sugar consumption and memory loss. Sugar affects memory and reduces cognitive capabilities, and contributes to a decline in brain volume. While excessive sugar and memory loss do go together, some consumption of sugar is necessary to help memory function normally. If you have a sweet tooth, don’t get disheartened all that soon.

Smell rosemary aroma- 
A great smelling room is not just a respite for your nose, but also a boost for your brain. New smells, in particular, have the effect of giving a jog to the brain. Take, for instance, the sweet and strong aroma of rosemary. Rosemary, among its many health benefits, is also helpful in reducing memory loss, and studies have observed that the smell of rosemary is responsible for significant memory improvement. It can be considered a sort of aromatherapy to boost memory. Rosemary essential oils and rosemary balms act as memory enhancers. It would be ideal to grow a rosemary plant at your windowsill so that you wake up to the smell of rosemary, and your brain wakes up to a healthy and sharper memory.

Socialize more-
Research suggests that the benefits of socializing are much more than perceived before. By definition, socializing means to participate in social activities and socially interact with others. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, socializing boosts the activity of your grey cells, and excites them to the right state to facilitate memory and retention. It helps repair damaged tissue, and carry out cycles and processes necessary for efficient brain function. Whether you would prefer socializing through an app or media or would like to do it in person, maintaining a healthy social life is key to boosting brain health and acquiring an active and absorbent memory. Who knew talking would do all the talking when it comes to memory?

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Creep into Deep Sleep- 

Whenever you think of remembering or learning, it’s usually the late nights that flash to your mind, waking, working, right? Well, that’s one of the surefire ways to kill memory, actually. Studies point out that good sleep is essential to a good memory. Long term memory is developed during sleep, and it is important for short term memory to be converted into long term memory so that synapses and synaptic plasticity are effectively developed. Eight or nine hours of sleep is found best, according to research. The quality of memory consolidation, concentration, brainwaves, and connections made during sleep, depending on everything impacting sleep, from a comfy mattress, pillow, the posture maintained, the intensity of sleep, and other factors. Sleep deprivation can cause depression, anxiety, and other problems that can also separately lead to memory loss. So for a perfectly seasoned memory, sleep well.

Eat dark chocolate-

According to researchers, an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but having a bar of dark chocolate can keep memory problems away. Dark chocolate benefits include reducing stress and improving memory by altering brain frequency. Dark chocolate has sufficient fiber and antioxidants to supplement the brain and assist it to perform complex functions like memory and retention. How sweet, isn’t it?

Switch workout routines-

It is a bit cliched that exercise is good for anything. It is the solution, and the prevention, to anything connected to anything in your body. We’ve often heard that patiently sticking it out in one exercise routine or fitness regime can bear results. But it is found that periodically switching to a new workout model can help boost memory better than following one over long periods of time. This helps your brain improve connections and become more adaptable, and be able to associate things required to be kept in memory better due to the variety it gets exposed to.

Give your brain a workout too- 

Your memory loves brain workout challenges. Be it a game, puzzle, app, or learning process, your brain craves being active. Supplying it with the necessary daily dose of activity keeps it fit and enhances retention and memory manifold. Be it a casual solution to sudoku in the daily newspaper, or an intense game of chess, spontaneous thinking improves memory greatly.

So, to keep your brain in ship-shape, these 8 quirky ways are a great start. They enliven your memory, making you exceptional at remembering, and enhance your memory power and help with memory allocation and management, as well as retention, recall, and storage.

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Memories are what make up the stories of our lives. To make a better sense of life, you need to take the best care of your memory.

Sunday, 31 May 2020

How to stay fit in lockdown? [Chore Gymming]

With the lockdown extending beyond what we would have imagined, and gyms, sports and fitness centres remaining closed, all those who used their time in the gym for bodybuilding, doing their regular workout, using the treadmill, regular cardio, lifting weights, and receiving their daily dose of exercise (and gossip), would be worried sick. With the diet gone for a toss, and people immersing their stress in a slice of pizza, cheese hamburger, or the regular heavy khichdi, food and fat seem to be increasing guilt. The lockdown due to coronavirus seems to have become a rather long cheat meal. Days go by unproductively, when we seem to be eternally busy, while achieving nothing. In spite of all this, there are ways to remain fit and healthy. The quarantine is for covid-19 and gyms, not for your spirit..

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It is understandable that the chores around the house take up all your time. But those chores can help you gain your strength effortlessly. That’s where chore gymming comes in. You can effectively use your time doing chores, to improve your fitness. Here are ways in which you can get fit while completing the chores around the house-

  • Sweeping/Mopping/Vacuuming- This mundane task, can immensely strengthen your core muscles, as well as provide you the necessary stretches you need. Extending the broom or vacuum cleaner under a couch, table, or cupboard can work your triceps and lateral muscles just as well as gym equipment, and also make you do the walking that you would otherwise have needed the treadmill for, around the house. Moving bulky and heavy furniture for this purpose also resembles lifting weights.

  • Washing dishes- How could doing the dishes possibly burn the calories? You may ask. Here is where you need to get creative. Doing the dishes can expend as much energy as gym workouts if done right. The effort required to remove stains off the vessels can be used as a good exercise for your triceps as well as biceps. Place the utensils to dry after washing, either in a drawer behind you, under, or overhead, thus making you move around. Use less soap and more force. Washing dishes can be fun too. So just like the soap bubble, you can grow your fitness goals with a dish-washing workout.

  • Doing the laundry- Loading and unloading clothes, especially heavy-duty laundry, can include squats, lunges, and resemble aerobics, all in one. Take out the laundry singly, one by one, to get the benefit of a workout, encompassing washing, hanging to dry, and folding. Chores may be mundane, but you don’t have to let them be. You can utilize them in more than one way to get the gymming experience. Get innovative with how you do the chores, and chore gymming can be your new fitness regime to get rid of those lockdown blues, and get done with those chores, simultaneously. Two birds, one stone..

How important Yoga is for your Healthy Skin? [yoga for skin]

One of the most desired and sought-after attributes of human life is good health. Everyone wishes to maintain good health, and even though it is not a herculean task, it is easier said than done in contemporary times, with so much pollution, stress, junk food, lack of sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle making us compromise on one of the most important aspects of life. 
Yoga is an ancient solution to these modern problems. It helps you relax, and keep fit while conveniently fitting in your daily schedule. It is said to have numerous benefits for your body. However, can it also be a solution to skin problems? How can Yoga possibly help the skin; you may ask. Well, Yoga benefits the skin in more ways than one...

Anything that ails your skin, including irritation, inflammation, marks, eruptions, or general discomfort, can be considered a skin problem. Yoga has a great positive impact on the skin, thus mitigating the risk of skin problems. It provides a method for detoxification, reduces cortisol levels, alleviates stress, and improves circulation, helps maintain balanced hormone levels, and stimulates healthy processes that are required for repair of skin cells. This helps effectively absorb nutrients needed for good skin, prevent pimples and acne, reduces wrinkles, and keeps the skin supple and glowing. The following Yoga poses and sequences are found best for boosting skin health

  1. Breathing exercises including pranayama

 2. Pose sequences like the Surya namaskar

3. Sarvangasana, or the shoulder stand pose

4. Dhanurasana or the bow pose

bow pose

5. Bhujanagasana, or the cobra pose
cobra pose

6. Trikonasana, or the triangle pose

7. Shishuasana, or the child pose


Yoga is said to be a preventive measure to all skin problems and diseases, and an effective cure against them as well. It must especially be practiced by those who have had skin problems in the family and are more likely to be vulnerable to them as a result of heredity, and those who frequently travel, thus exposing their skin to the harmful effects of the external environment and stress. Yoga is also a must for those who carry out their daily activities and work at a desk and are often required to remain seated or maintain a single pose for prolonged periods of time.

The skin is one of the largest and most important organs of our body. It acts as a perfect barrier, protecting us from all sorts of intrusions and invasions by undesirable and harmful entities and substances. It also plays an important role in upholding our immune system, regulating body temperature, and manufacturing essential chemicals for the body. It is up to us to keep it healthy and happy, and practicing Yoga is a great way to do just that.