Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Top 10 Indian Body Builder

Top 10 bodybuilder who makes Our Nation Proud.

1. Sangram Chougule:

Sangram Chougule was born on 28th December 1979 in Chinchwad. he won the Mr. Universe title at the WBPF WORLD CHAMPION in 2012 and 2014 in 85 kg weight category he won mr.india  tile Six-time and Mr. Maharastra title Five-times. He had very strict diet and workout routine, workout more than 5 hours he combines  Cardio and yoga to balance body fat.

2. Murli Kumar:

Murli Kumar is 37 years old professional bodybuilder from Kerala, he is very dedicated body builder which allowed him in top ranking in bodybuilding he achieves show may title in bodybuilding.he was a sailor in the Indian navy and started bodybuilding at the age of 25 and became Mr.India in 2013 and 2014.murli is very powerful weightlifter and his strength makes him among the top bodybuilder.

3. Suhas Khamkar:

Suhas Khamkar is the first bodybuilder to win Mr. Asia in 2010 he wins this title.suhas was born on 19 August 1980 in Kolhapur Maharastra.his best win was 1st runner-up in bodybuilding. He participated in mr.olympia 2018.he have tones of achievement and his dedication and achievements make him among the best bodybuilder in the world.

4. Ankur Sharma:

Ankur Sharma was born in Delhi and WON gold in  WPBF WORLD and also he had numbers of wins in the domestic 2012 he was the winner of Mr.india and in 2013 he becomes the second runner-up. 

5. Rajendra Mani: 

Rajendra Mani is among the best bodybuilder and fitness expert his nickname was Indian super hulk. mani was born in Chennai .he is the winner of the title two times one in 2013, and another in 2016. he had multiple international title in 2009. His first championship in IAF  in 2009, in 2009 mani won his first national championship and was awarded the 2009.

6. Ashish Sakharkar:

 Ashish Sakharkar is one of the bodybuilders who believe India will soon see the golden era of bodybuilding. He was born in Maharastra and won many titles .he won four times federation cup also won a gold medal in IFBB MR.universe championship and ranked 7 in amateur Mr. Olympia title. he comes from a bodybuilding background his father is also the winner of title Mr.maharastra.

7.Hira Lal:

Hira Lal was born in 1977 Punjab who won the gold medal for India at age of 23 and makes our India proud.he is a vegetarian bodybuilder .he won in 2011 in the 65 kg .he also won mr.punjab and Mr. India title.

8. Varindra Singh Ghuman:

Varindra Singh Ghuman is a Punjabi bodybuilder and wrestler he won mr.india in 2009  and 2nd runner-up in Arnold make him brand am better for promoting their product to Asia.he is youth icon and among the stylish bodybuilder.he is the first Indian bodybuilder who wins the IFBB pro card. he will also be featured in a movie with Salman Khan. he got great looks and style.

9. Amit Chhetri:

Amit Chhetri was born in Haridwar and started his carrier as a constable of Uttrakhand police. but his hard work and dedication took him to the top bodybuilder's list. he won several titles for India. he won the gold medal in the mr.india federation cup at Tamilnadu in 2007 and silver medal in open senior mr.india in 2012.

10.Neeraj Kumar:

Neeraj Kumar was born in Up and among the new and rising Indian bodybuilder. He won title Mr. India and won gold .he also won bronze at WBPF 2013.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Top 5 weight gainers of 2020

My Top 5 gainers that really works

  1. Ultimate Nutrition:

Ultimate nutrition muscles juice was the most effective gainer I had ever helps me to gain 5kg within a month it start giving your body a perfect shape and look.


One serving spoon of Ultimate Nutrition contains 250 gram and it comes with 1250 calories and the protein amount in per 250 gram will be 50grams and rest will be different vitamins and minerals, glutamine and creatine.

2.ON Serious Mass:

On serious Mass is one of the best weight gainers we can trust on and its really working for so many peoples .if you are beginners and looking to gain weight in quick time go for serious mass ON is one the most trusted brand among the bodybuilders and I trust it as well. its one serving will give you 1250 calories and it will give your body a good shape and grow your muscles not fat.


One serving spoon of serious mass contains 250 gram and it comes with 1250 calories and the protein amount in per 250 gram will be 50grams and rest will be different vitamins and minerals, glutamine and creatine.

3.BSN True Mass:

BSN true Mass is on my third ranking you can drink it with milk or water it can be the best meal replacement supplement for you .it also recover your tissue breakdown it also delivers the same amount of calories as our top 2 weight gainers do. if you are beginners and lifting good weight and want to gain weight then this is the best choice for you.


One serving spoon contains 250 gram and it comes with 1250 calories and the protein amount in per 250 gram will be 50grams vitamines and minerals, glutamine and creatine.

4. MuscleBlaze Weight gainer:

Muscleblaze weight gainer is an Indian brand which will cost you very less than our top 3 gainers but the ingredients of this product is same and it also contains 50 grams of protein  in per 250 gram consumption but its an Indian brand so people trust less then some of our top brands but the result is same if you are student and want to spend less to get more go for it .best choice for you.


One serving 1250 calories and the protein amount in per 250 gram will be 50grams vitamines and minerals, glutamine and creatine.

5.Universal Nutrition Real Gains:

Universal is the one of the oldest brand in supplements our most of the professional bodybuilder trust this brand because of its quality but the product from  open market in India we cant trust because 50% of supplement are fake if you get original universal product then it is one the best gainer and it will work like magic for you.


One serving 1250 calories and the protein amount in per 250 gram will be 50grams vitamines and minerals, glutamine and creatine.

Monday, 18 June 2018

7 Cheapest Potein Foods For Vegetarian in india

top 7 cheapest protein foods for vegetarian 

  1. Peanut Butter:
peanut butter is a paste of roasted peanuts mix with salt, sugar and some artificial ingredients which is very good in taste and rich in protein 100 gram of peanut butter supplies approx  588 calories and which comes with 50gram of good fat 25 gram of protein 20-gram carbohydrate and 5-gram dietary fiber.

  • peanut butter price  in India for 100grams: RS 70
  • protein content in per 100gram: 25grams

2. Greek Yogurt:

Greek yogurt is the refined yogurt which comes with low fat and higher in protein. its pure milk product without any harmful's easily available in the market and comes with different types. Yogurt contains 81% of water 9 % of protein 4% of carbohydrate 5% of fat and  4% of sugar without any external artificial ingredient this is a pure form of milk.

  • Greek yogurt price in India of 100 grams: Rs 40
  • 100 grams of yogurt contains: 10gram

3. Milk:

if you are a vegetarian and looking for an alternative of chicken then milk is the best choice for you .this is an easy and cheapest protein source for you which can be easily digested you can drink anytime to fulfill your protein requirement but you have to be cleaver on your choice to chose low-fat milk which is high in protein if you go with full cream milk it will come with high in fats .100gram of milk contain approx  4gram of protein and it will cost very less then other protein sources.

  • Price for 100gram of milk will be: Rs 6
  • Amount of protein in 100gram of milk: 4gram

4. Oats:

Oats are very high in protein source and one of the best food for our breakfast, and most of the athlete include oats in there breakfast. it is easy to digest and high in protein.oats are high in calories. Mainly oats contain soy protein and dietary fiber which improve our digestion system,100gram of oats contains 34 grams of protein and other rich essential nutrition.

  • Price of 100gram of Oats: Rs 20
  • Amount of Protein in 100gram of Oats: 34 grams 

5. Paneer :

Paneer is the best source of protein and also good in taste and it is most famous food among vegetarian, it separated from the milk  and use to prepare food items and dishes 100gram of protein contains 236  kcal energy, 1.2 gm of carbs, 20.8gm of fats,18.3 gm of protein,208mg of  calcium, panner is famous among the Indian bodybuilders

  • Price of 100gram of Paneer: Rs 30
  • Amount of Protein in 100gram of Paneer: 14 grams 

6. Peas:

Peas are fat-free protein we use it in many food items it comes mainly in winter, one of the highest protein source vegetable and very cheap we add it with paneer. we can add it in food anytime,100 gram of peas will come with 81 kcal energy 15 gram of carbohydrate  6 gram of protein 0.4 gram of fat, peas can be found in market 12 months frozen peas are also good to make a vegetable.

  • Price of 100gram of Peas: Rs 20
  • Amount of Protein in 100gram of Peas: 6 grams

7. Soybeans:

soybeans are cheap protein food has the great source of protein good in taste used to cook food items and can be eaten anytime soybean comes with soybean oil which is also good for health .we can also eat dry or wet soya 100gram of soya comes with 446 kcal energy which contains 37 gram of high protein ,omega3 which is great of heart and brain .

  • Price of 100gram of soybeans: Rs 10
  • Amount of Protein in 100gram of soybeans: 37 grams